Some random thoughts and photos from past week since I haven't posted in a while.
We have been here in Laurelwood for a week now. Visiting friends and serving here and there. Most of you regular readers know our home address is now here at Ananda Laurelwood where education and community is most important. Not all "Laurelwoodians" live on the property as we do.
The gentlemen farmers |
We visited our long time good friends, Dambara and Manisha, who live just down the street. Having moved up to Oregon last summer at the same time we did, they bought an acreage and have become "gentlemen farmers". Last week they bought some Llamas so we went over to meet the new arrivals.
My what soft lips you have! |
I have never before feed a llama. They have such soft lips. What fun to sit outside and catch up on happenings the past year while we have been traveling. Sraddha also is doing more photography. Mostly with iPhone and she has a great eye. Better than me. I am trying to coax her into shooting with our new Olympus camera which is light weight.
Smile!!! |
Since we were last here, some new folks have come on the scene. Elizabeth and Ty are from Portland area and she and Sraddha have bonded over the beautification of Ananda Laurelwood so they are planning all kinds of fun projects.
A little garden right outside the cafe |
We usually return to the RV after morning meditation to have our coffee and breakfast, but do take some meals in the Green Hill Cafe which serves a delightful fresh vegetarian fare.
Green Hill Cafe lunch time |
One of our other long time friends, Janakidevi, has a vision for a "Yogananda Garden" in the wild areas up on the hill behind where we reside. This morning we went for a walk with her, bushwacking through the fields and along the dirt road up to the top of the hill to look at possible places for trails and beautiful resting spots for visitors. I snapped a few pix along the way.
Walking amidst the brambles |
She wants to have a large statue of Paramhansa Yogananda created and installed up on the crest of the highest point. No spring chicken, she envisions this parklike environment where now is mostly brambles. Admirable.
View from top of hill looking out west towards coastal range |
As we were walking around I couldn't help take in the breathtaking beauty all around us. This planet has a guiding force of grace and beauty everywhere. If only we can tap into that energy.
beautiful flowers |
While up at the crest I shot this short video on my iPhone scanning the vista while she discusses her vision. sound is not very good but we will post more later on.
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