Tuesday, July 8, 2014

We have moved the blog for this Circumnavigation of the USA

For the next year we will be circumnavigating the USA and I have opened up a travelpod blog for this.

Travelpod blog link is here

Sample of Around USA
Not our actual route tho
During the past 3 years, I have not been totally satisfied with Google Blogger for two main reasons.

1) Despite the fact that Google wants me to set my location for each blog entry, I have not been able to figure out how to show that on the actual blog post.

2)  Google forced me to have comments move to its Google + page which is too much trouble to handle and not everyone has a google Plus account for commentaries.

Two of my long time model railroading freinds have used TravelPod blogging service for their recent trips across the USA.

I also like the fact that I can build an email list of those folks who want to get email updates of new posts. Easy to do.

Both of the above Google blog issues are handled with this blogging software.  two main things I don't like about this software is that I have to write too much for the pictures to be included in the body of the blog post. Otherwise they sit at the bottom of each post.  Not the end of the world but not everyone knows to click on the picture to enlarge it.  I will work on this.  The other thing I haven't been able to figure out is how to add tags.  Not the end of the world.  And I can still post to Facebook for folks.

That said, I have moved over to travelpod for our USA circumnavigation.  All the other links work just fine.
I still might post from time to time here.  we will see.

The new travel blog can be found here.

We do dress up occasionally
Blessings from the road


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Day 24 - A blessing, a meeting and the long walk

Finally getting things situated here.  Insurance, vehicle registrations, packing, unpacking, passports renewed, and yes, eating lots of strawberries. LOTS.
Expansion Hall rededication
We also rededicated the Expansion Hall here at Ananda Laurelwood last evening to renew the energy, and open it up to new uses.  I still have my office (in that back corner in photo above).

Love the reflection in the window
 Then we get up real early for weekly leadership meeting online through Google Hangouts with folks in other geographic locations.  Usually we attend remotely via our iPad but this week I got to be here in person with some of the folks.

Today I saw this really cool Chevy.  I don't know much about classic cars but do know this one is a favorite.
 After depositing our quarterly tax payments at the post office, I stopped by our storage locker to check on things.  It is always interesting because, despite the close proximity of the locker to the entrance of the facility, I have to walk way down to the back end punch in the security codes and then walk all the way back down to the front end again to reach our locker.
 Sure enough.  Our household furniture is still there.  Dry and safe.  I was even able to find the box with camera gear boxes in it so I can now sell some extra camera gear.  Didn't find the Blu Ray DVD player because it is way in the back, I think and wasn't about to haul everything out right now.  Oh well.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Day 25 - Nature's Bounty

I love farmer's markets.  Every where we travel, we look for possible markets to support and purchase fresh local foods.  Sometimes the timing works out.
Asparagus from Eastern Washington
Beaverton Farmer's Market is one of the best, especially this time of year.  I brought my new Olympus camera with me to shoot some photos.
Local Beets
Huge it is and well attended.  I forgot to take photos of the booths because it was so busy and crowded.
I just tried to shoot photos of some groupings of wonderful fruits and veggies.
Asparagus Tamale.  Yes it is!  and yummy to boot
And some flowers too.
Flowers for sale
Then I got distracted and here it is Friday and tomorrow is Farmer's market so we do it all over again. Like Ground Hog Day, or The Edge of Tomorrow without guns.
The first of 3 flats we have eaten in the past week
heh, heh.......

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Oh My, What Sweet Lips You Have!

Some random thoughts and photos from past week since I haven't posted in a while.

We have been here in Laurelwood for a week now.  Visiting friends and serving here and there.  Most of you regular readers know our home address is now here at Ananda Laurelwood where education and community is most important.  Not all "Laurelwoodians" live on the property as we do.

The gentlemen farmers
 We visited our long time good friends, Dambara and Manisha, who live just down the street.  Having moved up to Oregon last summer at the same time we did, they bought an acreage and have become "gentlemen farmers".  Last week they bought some Llamas so we went over to meet the new arrivals.
My what soft lips you have!
 I have never before feed a llama.  They have such soft lips.  What fun to sit outside and catch up on happenings the past year while we have been traveling.  Sraddha also is doing more photography.  Mostly with iPhone and she has a great eye.  Better than me.  I am trying to coax her into shooting with our new Olympus camera which is light weight.
Since we were last here, some new folks have come on the scene.  Elizabeth and Ty are from Portland area and she and Sraddha have bonded over the beautification of Ananda Laurelwood so they are planning all kinds of fun projects.
A little garden right outside the cafe
We usually return to the RV after morning meditation to have our coffee and breakfast, but do take some meals in the Green Hill Cafe which serves a delightful fresh vegetarian fare.
Green Hill Cafe lunch time
 One of our other long time friends, Janakidevi, has a vision for a "Yogananda Garden" in the wild areas up on the hill behind where we reside.  This morning we went for a walk with her, bushwacking through the fields and along the dirt road up to the top of the hill to look at possible places for trails and beautiful resting spots for visitors.  I snapped a few pix along the way.
Walking amidst the brambles
She wants to have a large statue of Paramhansa Yogananda created and installed up on the crest of the highest point.  No spring chicken, she envisions this parklike environment where now is mostly brambles.  Admirable.
View from top of hill looking out west towards coastal range
As we were walking around I couldn't help take in the breathtaking beauty all around us.  This planet has a guiding force of grace and beauty everywhere.  If only we can tap into that energy.
beautiful flowers
While up at the crest I shot this short video on my iPhone scanning the vista while she discusses her vision.  sound is not  very good but we will post more later on.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 14 - Ananda Laurelwood..Home Sweet Home.... for little while

Miles Driven - 117
Total Miles - 1082
Nehalem Bay State Park to Ananda Laurelwood, Gaston, Oregon

After breakfast, we packed up, dumped the wastes, headed off across the coast range to our "home from home".  I say this because Ananda Laurelwood is where we hope to someday settle down and is the reason we moved out of our home in northern California.  Well not the only reason but it is why we have made our change of address and also moved our household goods up to Oregon into long term storage whilst we roam around the USA.
Our home at Home!!
We will be here in the Portland area for about 5 weeks, commencing our eastward journey east after the Fourth of July weekend to attend a family reunion in Sandpoint, Idaho. In the meantime, we have a lot to do to prepare.  RV and Jeep registration in Oregon, my new Oregon driver's license, a couple of repairs and installs on the RV, etc. We have a to do list of about 30 different things.  We started today with the smog checks of RV and Jeep in Hillsboro before heading out to Laurelwood.  Passsed!
The Big Pines Shelter us from view.  No one even notices us.
In addition, of course, we want to reconnect with many of our friends in the area, and maybe even a few good meals. We have already started to visit.
Beth's Garden in distance.  Blue shack is Chicken Coop
The time will rapidly pass so we actually might have to get a little bit organized.  Forsooth.  Just as I am getting used to letting each come, I will need to figure out which "to do" needs to be done in which order and what is the priorities.  And to be still and calm during this whole process.

Julien's big Solar collector project.  Last incarnation was a satellite dish
 Fortunately I have my partner and many friends, some of which we have already seen.  Off to see what mail and packages greet us today.