Camping in Cape Disappointment State Park, Washington |
We spent the month of September up in northwest and clear up to Powell River, BC. What I learned is the motorhome drives best slowly in the right lane of the freeway not the left lanes where I tend to dwell in an automobile. What used to take 10 hours to drive to Portland now takes beter part of 2 days! not so bad though as we see a lot more, notice a lot more. Life slows down a bit and I slow down a bit. Ok, true confession time here, at the moment there seems to be a lot to do to get ready to go so it is not slow, however, once we get on the road it is a more leisurely pace.
Tomorrow we head south to warmer climes. First stop? Sacramento to visit the Ford service center about the motorhomes emission light. Hopefully it is not serious, and we will be on our merry way but we don't know how long or where we will stop tomorrow night. that is part of the fun of travel, to see the next adventure.
Hopefully this blog can record some of our adventures, along with the inspiration we find along the way. Who knows? we might even meet you somewhere down the line.
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