Here in Southern Arizona a few miles north of the Mexico border we are at 3800 ft altitude. Spring is trying to spring out but not quite yet in most areas. And the birds are beginning to migrate through. 4 hmmingbird species which will grow to 11 by sometime in April when Spring is really sprung. We, however will be other places by then.
Among the reasons to visit this area, in addition to its beauty is the birds, the birds, the birds. Where is Tippi Hedren when you need her?
I have already posted about the main reason to be here, Mr. Elegant Trogan, so I thought to post a few more pix of Patagonia lake park and then will post a few more bird pix even though many of you have seen those pix on Flickr or Picasa.
Driving into Patagonia State Park requires an 11 mile drive out from Nogales, then another 4 miles drive over hill and dale down into the park.

About 85 campsites are filled with families and birders at this time of year. Later on in spring and summer, we are told, the place turns into party central with the younger generation who are footloose. We are grateful that we are here now.

Mondays, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 8 AM, birders convene at the eastern trailhead to head out in search of the elusive Trogan and other birds. Sraddha went out Wednesday morning on the walk and saw about 60 different species in 3 hours. The next morning she took me on a walk when we saw the Trogan. I watched for a bout 20 minutes then had to head back to RV for a conference call while she spent 3 hours following him and came home with a feather. Way cool.
Our campsite is down near the water, however, it happens to be near the waste water treatment plant. We didn't know when we booked it and it is fine, except in the afternoons/evenings when "eau de waste" wafts up the hill. Not real bad but just enough, so we stay inside then and eat our dinner instead of enjoying the evenings outside.

Our 10 nights in Tucson area was fun but very packed with activities and great friends. We are here for 5 nights of true R&R, then off east to explore some more.
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