Thursday, October 24, 2013

Amongst the Aspens

Life at 7,000 feet elevation is interesting. Especially when you travel a mile in a different direction and you are suddenly at 8,000 ft, or 9,000' or even 11,000. Aspens seem to love the range of 7,000 to 9,000 give or take a few 100. As fall progresses, the cooler temperatures migrate down the slopes turning the vegetation different colors.

Monday afternoon we ventured into Lee Vining Canyon which is the route to Tioga Pass and Yosemite. All the trees at upper elevations had already dropped their leaves, however we turned off the main road, drove north up this switchback dirt road to the canyon directly behind Lee Vining itself. We found a wonderful grove of aspens. Another example of the beauty of Divine Mother in many forms.
Some photos here from my iPhone as I have not had the time to process my "big camera" pix.

- blessings from the road

Location:Lee vining, ca

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