Back in a big city. Well, not that big but bigger than almost every other place we have been for past month. Actually we have already departed Santa Fe but pretend we are here now. Too cold most of the time to really get out much. We restocked the larder, got the RV serviced, ate some wonderful food.
Old railyard where farmers market is located |
I must say it was a bit of an adjustment to be in a faster paced energy here.
Basilica of St Francis of Assis. Parton Saint of Santa Fe |
Also it is a bit more expensive than other places.
Some cool painted posts |
Vendors on the central plaza |
We noticed this today at the Whole Foods Market. When I went out to resupply our drinking water, the machines charge $0.30 per gallon where everywhere else we have been charges only $0.25 per gallon. A little thing, yes, however, indicative of higher costs.
We did go out to eat every night, our one indulgence.
Cafe Pasquale. Home of the Best Chile Relleno EVER! |
Fuel is about the same all over New Mexico right now at $3.43 per gallon. Cheaper than Moab, from what can see.
From inside the Baslica |
New Mexico, in the Spring, has two kinds of weather, windy and very windy. We try to plan our excursions when it is only windy or breezy (less than 20 mph). Very windy (30+ mph gusting to 45-50 mph) are days when the chill creeps through our senior citizen bones so we try to spend those days indoors. One day we visited the State Capital where legislature and governor have offices. The artwork was the compelling reason. I didn't take a lot of photos of the art but here are a couple
Notice the materials used here |
From one of the moon walks |
Our stay in Santa Fe began with balmy weather so we headed out side up to Vaias Caldera and Bandelier for a day. The next day we had scheduled the RV to be in for routine service the wind came up, so we headed indoors spending much of the day in the public library. Sraddha wasn’t feeling well so needed quiet. I had work to do with the online Ananda Library so what better place than a public library with internet access.
Cottonwoods by Georgia Okeefe |
One day we visited the Georgia Okeefe museum. Always different. There was an exhibit of Okeefe and Ansel Adams in Hawaii. Couldn't take pix though.
Gerogia's cook book collection in orginal boxes |
Saw this unusual parking sign outside the library. Turns out it is not DOT sanctioned. Still real fun
Am doing this quick post. Honestly because of the weather we didn't take a lot of photos. Too cccccooolddddd. I had hoped to shoot a lot of color. Next time.
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